1. Prayer!!
We would be foolish in this entire process if we were to neglect our NEED for Prayer! We ask for prayer for our child (or children). We ask for prayer for us, for the stress that comes with adoption (or with any child for that matter). We ask for prayer for the process to go smoothly. We pray that our child would know that we are coming for them just as He came for us!
2. Garage Sale!!
We have been collecting items already (big, small, tall, short, smelly, whatever!) for our Garage Sale that will 100% benefit our adoption process!
The Sale is Saturday, May 18th
at our house 7513 Kerri Way
We will take anything you want to give us. We have been making small trips with my dad's truck to get big things as well. We want to say thank you for everyone who has already pilled into this effort and we welcome more help! We will also need some bodies helping that day! We expect a lot of people to show up that day so the more "workers" we have the better. Please let us know if you have items that you would like to donate or if you have time that Saturday to come out and help!
3. T-Shirts!!
Jennifer designed these really cool t-shirts that we are having printed by a local Christian printing company. They are $20 and we have had over 100 people order them so far! They have the shape of South America on the front with Adoption words, verses, etc to make the shape and the back has Ephesians 1:4-5!We chose a dark gray and these shirts are super soft! Can't wait to see all our friends and family wear them together! We are filling an order at the first of May and will do others as the need arises.
4. Financial Donations
We have made it through our first step, but there are many more to come. This entire process is estimated to take $25,000-$30,000! We just keep reminding ourselves that God paid the Ultimate price for our Adoption and that was His Son's Life!! Whew! Seems less overwhelming when we think about it that way. But it is still a huge need. We are doing everything we can to cut our spending, saving, not eating out, ditching cable, and lots more but we still cannot do this without the generous gifts from others. We have had many give through our donation site as well (www.gofundme.com/nickandjennadopt) We would humbly ask you to pray about the decision to join us on this journey!
5. Kid's Stuff (Future Need)
We currently do not know the sex or age or our child...or if we will be adopting siblings. With that being said, when we do find out (towards the end of the year possibly) we will begin to ask for help with clothing, toys, etc. that will fit their ages and sizes. We will let you know all the details we can as soon as we know. Until then, we will be patient but knowing that when the time comes, we will need to spring into action to get our home ready for kidos!
We count it a blessing to have you alongside us in any way!
Till they are home,