Monday, April 1, 2013


I have never bought anything new before (like a car, house, etc) so I feel like that great phrase "You've been approved" only shows up in the annoying form of mail cluttering my mail box on a weekly basis. But today was no April fools joke. We've been approved to begin our adoption process! We are a few $$$ away and yet closer to having our baby or babies home! Please pray for us as we begin to read over the 130 page... again no April fools....130 pages of info they sent us today as a "welcome to the family" note.
We are so excited I couldn't wait to call Nick and tell him. Then my mom. And luckily Ashlee Harb was with me in the office when I got the call and she controlled my squealing to a manageable level.
Today we go to sleep thankful for the ability to even be able to enter this process. Our God is so good! Our Church paid off it's building debt on Easter and it has been such a great reminder of the amazing DEBT that has been paid for us! Remember that as you sleep and wake tomorrow for His mercies are new each morning!
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