Friday, February 6, 2015

6 Months as Parents

We want each of you to know how special these past 6 months have been. We DON'T want a single one of you to look at all these pictures and think anyone is perfect, that our family is perfect, that our kids are doing amazing because of us. They are doing amazing because of a God who is a MIGHTY healer and provider. He comforts us when we are SO TIRED. He comforts them when we have a hard day. He is Healing their scars, their loss, and making their stories new. He is making ours new too. Here's a little bit of our story over the past 6 months. Again, not perfect, but he who wrote it IS!

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.

Day 1

First Hugs!

Can you say Nervous Excited, Rollercoaster?

This was a really tough day! This is their team of workers that loved on them during their time in Colombia's ICBF Care. They were all smiles and some tears to see them go with us that day. Up until now it's been hard (still is sort of) to look at these pictures from the first day. Adoption is necessary out of hurt, and loss and yet joyful in the times kids get a new family that is forever. It was a rough beginning but God was with us through it all. Using many of you as prayer warriors and encouragers as well. 

Month 1

Once we ventured out a few times, got some great help from Marietta our guide, and got to meet amazing life long friends (the Hamiltons) we were a little more settled in Colombia. This was still our roughest time with them by far. ANY time we have a rough day now one of us looks at each other and says "it can't ever be as bad as those first two weeks were" and we're right. God continues to show us grace to deal with them, and them with us. 

Month 2 

This trip to the lake was our favorite outing of the time in Colombia. It took us about 2 hours down windy mountain roads to get out of the city of 10 million. But boy was it worth it. We could taste home, we knew they could handle a hike (wahoo) and we were enjoying the last big of their culture while we were there. 

Tennessee at last!

We got to take them to Melton Hill lake and play in the water, run with the dogs (they LOVE the dogs) and also love the freedom of nature (2 months of almost no nature and only cars and sidewalks will damage a person not used to that)

3 Months

Got to see what a leaf blower does! Papi LOVED this day!

First time around a camp fire, what pros!

Getting braver and stronger, hung out with the Cook's and their kiddos at the campground.

They loved Halloween. It rained. All night. They handed out candy and didn't eat any! They ask us once a week "when is Halloween" again. We can tell they liked to get dressed up. 

4 Months 

Orphan Sunday and we all supported that day at church!

1st trip to the zoo. They loved all the animals and are learning their English names. 

Trip to Nashville to see Abuelito Ariel. Stopped by the Orpy to see the giant guitar and walk around the mall. 

First time meeting "Meme" . This is Meme and her great grandchildren.

Happy Thanksgiving. 

5 Months

Fantasy of trees. So Many Trees!!

Christmas card picture. 

Daniella's first day on the medicine she's needed for so long. What a tear filled, joyful day this Mami had keeping this Car on my desk. She was so proud. I have only seen her smile this big a few times and will remember this day forever. 

Playroom reveal. We worked long and hard to make our guest room downstairs a play room as well for them to have fun in and have a place to spread out toys and games. 

Christmas parades at School!

The Hamiltons came to visit and Brandon turned into Spider Man. 

Getting so strong!

Christmas Morning! They told us they sometimes got 1 present for Christmas in the past. Well this year a sweet group at church helped us provide gifts for them. Not to overwhelming, sturdy, long lasting gifts! 

They loved..

every single one!

 Successful Self timer shot!

The whole big Family on mom's side

6 Months 

Max Air Trampoline Park. What's 100 highschoolers jumping all around with 3 small kids? Nah no worries, we survived. 

Since we have recently added our 3 kids we figured what's 10 more this weekend. So we hosted our 2nd DNow. Jenn's 15th year doing this with church! 

Visit to the aquarium to see Nemo. 

They are getting better at these silly pictures. We can tell they were not used to taking pictures, or seeing them. They constantly want to see their pictures and love taking silly ones. 

They found Nemo!

6 Months of Hard. Fun. Joyful. Exhausting. Challenging. Crazy. Times. Can't wait for the next 6 and so many more! 

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